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Writing a Play for the Amateur Stage

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Jack and the Beanstalk title

Our most popular pantomime script with over 450 performances to date...

A tale of love, adventure and some beans! A gruesome Giant, a wicked Witch, a fabulous Fairy, a brave Hero, the Jack and the Beanstalk logoobligatory village Idiot, a daft Dame and, of course, a cute and cuddly cow!

Dame Trott's dairyThe kingdom is in trouble! Giant Blunderbore and his partner in crime, the evil witch, Poison Ivy are blackmailing the royal family, forcing them to pay protection money or else the Giant will gobble them up! All that stands between the Royals and the Giant's dinner plate is collection of unreliable misfits!

There is the dizzy Dame Trott, facing eviction from her dairy, her son Idle Jack, a day dreamer who is waiting for his destiny to find him, Dozy Den, the incompetent village idiot and the lovable cow, Buttercup (who probably has more brains than the rest of them put together!).

Can this motley gang save the kingdom from destruction and beat the beastly Giant and the wicked Witch? What can Fairy Beansprout do to help them?

Giant BlunderboreAn up-to-date, tried and tested script, jam-packed with jokes, slapstick, gunge, loveable characters and all the magic of traditional pantomime with enough audience participation to leave you hoarse by the end of the show!

Length: 2 hours 30 minutes approximately (plus interval).

Licensing: This script is published through Lazy Bee Scripts. To read the whole script online and to make an application to perform the show please visit Lazy Bee Scripts.

Also available with this script as an optional extra: Full backing track arrangements for all the suggested songs in the script from Sound-Board, available to purchase from Lazy Bee Scripts. A sample medley of the tracks included on the backing CD can be heard here.

Read what groups who have performed our scripts have said about them on our testimonials page.

If your browser has a PDF plug-in and it's causing you problems, then right-click (Ctrl-click on Mac) on the link and download it to disk for viewing.

Plot & Characters PDF FILE
Sound-Board Jack and the Beanstalk Backing Track Medley Sample MP3 FILE

Pictures from MKAOS production 2003/04